What to Include on a One-Sheet as a Music Artist

Learn why one-sheets are important and what to include on them to help elevate your career. 


The one-sheet is a powerful sales and marketing tool for bands and artists wanting to get ahead in today's music industry.

Multiple marketing and promotional channels are available now both on and offline for creatives - from social media to digital marketing campaigns, newsletters and more - and one-sheets can be among the key components in an artist's armoury.

Making contact with writers and bloggers and securing press coverage is one of a number of key marketing efforts acts can use to establish credibility.

With the inboxes of social media influencers, journalists and distributors busier than ever, it can be important to make a professional and quick impression with your essential information contained on a single sheet."

In our latest blog, we'll explore the concept of the one-sheet, what should be featured and how they can be used to source live performances, enhance streaming numbers, sell records and more...

What is an Artist One-Sheet?


A one-sheet is a one page marketing or promotional document that provides an overview of an artist or a band.

It is typically shared in PDF format and used as a marketing tool to promote new music or find a gig. It offers an opportunity to succinctly showcase achievements, promote a release and demonstrate some personality and character alongside establishing credibility as an artist.

How a One-Sheet in Music Works

One-sheets can be very similar to album press releases which are used to generate media coverage for a new release, gig, event or more.

In some cases, they can function as the same document. However, many one-sheets are used to sell an album to distributors. In this scenario, the one-sheet will often be used to convince buyers who sell albums to stock a new release.

Components of a One-Sheet

A one sheet features an array of different pieces of information and we've highlighted some of the key sections below.

Career highlights

When compiling this section, consider what might be most newsworthy for those who aren't aware of you or your music. You need to highlight achievements that demonstrate your success and show your career is on the ascendance.

Details in here can include follower counts on socials, streaming numbers, features on prominent blogs, collaborations with well-known artists, or artists who have supported you.

Live performances

If you haven't yet performed a live gig, then there is no need to include this section. If you have, then consider featuring the most notable gigs you've played - perhaps at a prestigious venue or festival, as part of a tour or with a newsworthy headline act.


You can include a variety of positive reviews or endorsements in this section. If you have released music or played gigs and received positive reviews, then these should be included. You can include the headline quote, then cite the reference. You should also consider including any popular social media posts where your achievements have been highlighted too. User-generated content from fans can be just as valuable as reviews from respected websites or music publications.


Many want to get to know a band or artist which is where your biography comes in as an introduction to you and your music. Try and create something short and engaging that marks you out as an act to keep tabs on. Focus on what makes your band memorable and unique and try to avoid any descriptions that are generic or cliched.

There are plenty of other details you need to remember to include too:

  • A high-res head shot or band photo
  • Artist name or name of band
  • New and previous releases and their titles
  • Track listing (if this is for a release)
  • Images of music released, title, release date, formats
  • Genre and RIYL (RIYL stands for 'Recommended If You Like'. For example, your track could be for fans of Squeeze, the 1975 or another act)
  • Press/publicity/management/booking/label contacts
  • Social and website links
  • Video and music links

Tips on Creating a Brilliant One-Sheet


It is important to keep your one-sheet up to date with the latest relevant and recent information about your music and activities. We recommend frequently tailoring a new version and editing the content depending on who or where you are sending it to. 

Include compelling information about the band or artist. This is an opportunity to share something interesting about your brand and showcase what makes you different from the competition." 

Aim to develop a connection with the reader through your personal story or description. No matter what you are trying to convey, you want it to leave a valuable impression. 

If you are struggling to come up with ideas for your one-sheet, check out those of other artists to try and gain inspiration for your own version. 

Is a One-Sheet the same as an EPK?

Not necessarily, although they do have some similarities.

An EPK (or Electronic Press Kit) tends to be more comprehensive and includes promotional materials such as bio, photos, music samples, press releases, and so on, and it can have different formats (a website, a document, etc). A one-sheet could be a component of an EPK and is usually far more concise. 

You can have both and use one or the other depending on the situation and who the recipient is. You can also use your one-sheet when contacting venues to book gigs or reaching out to radio stations. This way, your document can function as a simple press kit to promote you or your band.

For new bands and artists, an EPK can be time-consuming project that isn't needed at this stage in your career. Focus on the one-sheet, then you can develop your EPK as your musical journey progresses.

Who reads a One-Sheet?

Public relations agents, radio DJs, programming managers, promoters, distributors, and other music professionals, as well as journalists, bloggers, and other media types, may use one-sheets to gather important information and make decisions about new releases and album coverage.

In conclusion

There's plenty of information out there that can enhance an artist's image or helps tell their story. However, it's also important to remember, particularly for new acts, that keeping the one-sheet short and sweet will be most effective. 

James Brister, ICMP's Artist Development Manager, works in our Careers and Industry Hub alongside running his own artist management business. 

Watch James discuss the power of the one-sheet below.

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by ICMP staff writer
May 20, 2024
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